Articles by GoMaisonette
We know that the rate of convenience is proportionate to the technology deployed. More the technology, more the convenience to buyers, sellers, and agents. Without jumping into a history lecture, we can draw parallels between Henry Ford and WeWork. Evolution of consumer expectations works both ways, both from the consumer as…
In a survey by KPMG among 330 real estate decision makers in 2017 to understand property management software trends, respondents see technology innovation as an opportunity they could leverage. It shows how the technology has come a long way from Real Estate 1.0, the class of real estate tech characterized…
A recent survey by Gartner shows that the right technologies break the barrier and enhances the growth of the real estate businesses by 36%. This means thousands of companies are not using the right tools for their businesses. Ultimately, the most significant setback faced by any department the most is…
Mandatory maintenance is an apt oxymoron that sometimes defines real estate today. The combined efforts of landlords or property managers in ensuring properties under their portfolio are well-maintained leaves much to be questioned. Usually, maintenance is more of an auxiliary function of property management firms, as the focus is on…
With the number of avenues opening up to secure leads, be it email or even a chatbot on your website, there are opportunities available by real estate software companies to build quality leads. But with the level of sophistication that the market demands today, converting these leads has become tough,…
For the online real estate software companies, email campaigns have proven to be one of the most profitable marketing tactics, boosting the brand and enhancing its productivity. It is one of the most non-intrusive lead generation tactics. A big ROI number can be easily generated from the lead list, irrespective…